Saturday 20 October
The weather might be colder but it's not too cold for sliding. She didn't even mind looking at the camera and smiling :).
Sunday 21 October
This hair is getting more and more uncontrollable... I keep wondering whether to cut a fringe in, but I know the sight of someone (even a professional) coming at her with a pair of scissors would not bring out the best of reactions in her, so I keep putting it off...
Monday 22 October
Sitting on the potty - the wrong way round, but it's a start. I considered starting potty training this week as she seems ready, but after this particular occasion, the rest of the week she had absolutely no interest in sitting on the potty, so I'll leave it a while.
Tuesday 23 October
I wanted to take a picture of Daisy with Mr Skinnylegs, the spider she made at the Children's Centre this morning, but she was more interested in not missing a second of whatever was on TV at the time :).
Wednesday 24 October
This afternoon we went into town, and bought some bread to feed the ducks at the pond next to the car park. It was all going well until this swan came over... Daisy wasn't bothered by it, but I was so conscious that it might start pecking at her or me that I didn't feel all that comfortable the rest of the time. I kept trying to send bread in its direction so it would be distracted long enough that we could feed the rest of the birds in peace, but it was obviously a bit slow because the other ducks got to the bread before it every time, making it even more determined to try and get some out of my hand... Still, I don't think I projected my fear onto Daisy, and she still had a good time.
Thursday 25 October
This was supposed to be a 'before' picture. After I dropped Daisy at nursery today, I took my car in to Bedford for a service and MOT, picked up a courtesy car and while I was there I drove across town to hire a pressure washer for the day. I got it home, dragged the hose pipe through next-door's garden to the front of the house, and found that there was no hose connector. So I dragged the washer back behind the gate in next-door's garden so no one would steal it, went to B&Q and bought a hose connector, got back, set everything up again, turned it on and it shorted the electrics in the house, despite having a circuit breaker. Long story short, I ended up taking it back for a full refund and other than going for a run and changing the bed linen, I got nothing done today :(.
Friday 26 October
Make yourself comfortable, won't you?