Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, 24 December 2012

Twenty-Eight Months

So half of this month has been about what Daisy's going to do. Even if she's doing it there and then, she still says 'I'm going to...' For example: "I'm going to throw the ball, Mummy. Mummy, you throw the ball. I'm going to catch it. I've got it! I'm going to put it on the chair. I'm going to pick it up...'

The other half of this month has been about what Daisy doesn't like, or, to be specific, what she 'can't like'.  'Not this one, I can't like it.' 'I can't like nursery.' 'I can't need a bib on.' And so on, ad infinitum...

I managed to get Daisy to count backwards on camera, after a few false starts. Here she is both counting backwards and indulging in a bit of self-admiration...

I'm still amazed every month at how quickly children pick up language (can't like and don't like aside, obviously).  Last week Daisy demonstrated her command of possessives by saying 'Mummy, you've got your gloves on, and I've got my gloves on!'

As far as bedtime stories go, her favourites have moved from the Little Workmates series to a set of four little Charlie & Lola books that Jen got her last Christmas. She always has to read them in the same order, which makes me laugh: first the lellow one, then the blue one, then the green one and finally the purple one.  On the visual entertainment front, the firm favourites are still Mickey Mouse, Peppa Pig and Timmy Time.  Here she is singing a song from 'Aye Aye, Captain Mickey':

 And here she is stopping what she's doing, as always, so she can check the Mousekemap:

This video has been a little while coming, but I finally managed to get her on camera going upstairs like a lion:

Her hair is growing faster than ever, and I've made an appointment for her to have a fringe cut in about 10 days before our wedding. She has a baby fringe that isn't long enough to be pulled back out of her eyes anyway, so I'm hoping that by adding a bit more hair to it, it will look more like a deliberate attempt at a fringe and will make it look a lot tidier than it does at the moment!

Finally, just to show you what a horrible Mummy I am, here's a reject picture from our Christmas-themed photo shoot. I would have loved to use it for our Christmas card, but no amount of editing could get her eyes to look like she hadn't been screaming and saying 'No, Mummy! Put the hood down! I can't like Christmas!'

Merry Christmas, my beautiful girl :).

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