Saturday 24 November
Phew! It's been a funny old week. We arrived at our friends' house in Southampton last night, after setting off from home at 19:00, Daisy's bedtime, in the hopes that she'd go straight to sleep in the car. She didn't. Instead, she was sick within 15 minutes of setting off. Seeing as we were still so close to home, we went back and Jon gave Daisy a bath while I did what I could to clean up the car seat, then we tried again at 20:00. We made it to Southampton in one piece this time, and transferred Daisy from the car seat to her Peppa bed without too much difficulty. Today it was pretty miserable weather all day but there were plenty of toys for Daisy to play with. This was her favourite.
Sunday 25 November

Last night Clare and her boyfriend came over for dinner; it was lovely to see them. This morning seemed to be going fine until Daisy walked up to Jon, who was sitting on the sofa, and threw up all over him without warning. A quick change of clothes and a scrub down of the upholstery later and she was fine again, but then about an hour after that she fell asleep while sitting on Jon's lap. That was when I realised something must be wrong; last time she fell asleep on me was last December when she was poorly, and the time before that I was probably still breastfeeding. She slept for about an hour and by the time she woke up, Clare had come back to pick up her car. They stayed for a cup of tea then when they got up to leave I asked Daisy if she would give Clare a cuddle, not really expecting her to want to - let's face it, it's Daisy, plus she was out of sorts - but she did, and she planted this smacker on Clare :). Again, Daisy seemed fine, and had fish fingers for lunch, then promptly threw them back up again on the pavement as I was going to put her in the car to come home. She slept all the way home but was then sick twice more before bedtime. Mum & Dad arrived at about 19:30, right around the time that Jon and I started to feel unwell...
Monday 26 November
Jon and I both had sickness and diarrhoea through the night. Daisy woke up about 7 times, and each time one of us went straight to see her in case she was being sick too. She wasn't, thankfully. Jon had already e-mailed in sick last night and we were so thankful that Mum & Dad were here - we all slept until about 08:00 when Daisy came into our room. By that point I hadn't been sick for about 6 hours and was feeling OK, if a bit fragile and hungry. Jon still felt achy but not sick any more, and Daisy hadn't been sick for over 12 hours by then but was very tired. At about 09:15 I got out of bed and I thought Daisy had said she would come with me, but she didn't look like she was in any hurry to move, so I left her there. I took this photo at about 10:30 and they both finally woke up at 11:00. Then we found out that Clare was off sick with a diarrhoea & vomiting bug too, so it was obviously something we'd passed around at the weekend...
Tuesday 27 November
Jon felt well enough to go back to work today, and I felt fine too. Daisy was a bit perkier as well, but the weather was miserable again so she, Mum, Dad and I just hung out at home.
Wednesday 28 November
We put the Christmas decorations up today - I know, it's still November but I think Mum & Dad were starting to get cabin fever and needed something to do, plus it was easier to do it when there were more people than just me and Daisy here. Besides, it's only a tree and some lights in the window, so it didn't take long. But Mum & Dad being Mum & Dad, they took the opportunity to wash the windows inside and out while the voile curtain was down :). Daisy wanted to help too!
Thursday 29 November
The aforementioned tree. No Daisy photos today - not because it was nursery day, although it was, but because they rang and asked me to pick her up from nursery as she had a temperature and was just sitting in the cosy corner sucking her thumb. I'm not sure if this is related to earlier in the week, or a separate thing, but either way she was really grizzly and VERY tired - I put her down for her nap at 13:30 as usual but instead of getting her up after an hour I let her sleep till she woke up, which was at 16:00. Then just before bed, while we were reading stories on the chair in her room, she threw up on me...
Friday 30 November
So this week has definitely been all about vomit and laundry. I think I've done 12 loads since Monday. Today Daisy was OK - not great, but OK - although as ever she wasn't in the mood for posing for the camera, and she napped for over 2 hours again. Then at bath time she worked herself up into such a frenzy about the fact that she didn't want to brush her teeth that she was sick again, this time on the bath mat (and a little bit on me). After that, though, she was super cute - I think she understood why it was that she'd been sick, and she calmed down really quickly. We read our usual stories then I told her it was time to get into bed and she said 'No, I fall asleep on Mummy.' So I sat there and cradled her for about 10 minutes before finally tearing myself away and putting her to bed :).
Everything on the top floor of this house smells faintly of vomit. Can next week be a bit calmer, please???