Saturday 18 August
We had a Daisy-free weekend and made the most of it: a vineyard tour, wine tasting and lunch at Chilford Hall, about an hour away, a Christmas present from Mum & Dad; a trip into London to order suits for the groom's party; a lovely meal and The Dark Knight Rises at the IMAX and a stay overnight in a hotel. The weather was really hot today, but it was a fantastic day and we had more planned for tomorrow...
Sunday 19 August
Today's itinerary was a lie-in, late breakfast in our hotel room and a lovely half-hour walk along the South Bank to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre for a 1pm performance of Henry V, then an hour with university friends at the Royal Festival Hall before going home, picking up Daisy on the way.
Monday 20 August
Someone was so keen to go out on her bike, she didn't even want to wait to get dressed...
Tuesday 21 August
Apart from a fairly major tantrum over which shoes to wear this afternoon, Daisy and I had a lovely day today. We went into St Neots in the morning, bought a couple of books then went to a coffee shop to peruse said books over a drink and a biscuit. Here she is pointing out the cockaloodle-oo...
Wednesday 22 August
Still her favourite place to sit. We keep quite a lot of stuff on the arm of the chair - tissues, drinks coasters, etc - and it all has to be moved when she decides she wants to sit there.
Thursday 23 August
Mum & Dad arrived yesterday and are staying till Monday. When they were here a couple of weeks ago, they bought a car from a dealership about an hour away, and picked the new car up today. Here they are saying goodbye to their old car. Apparently the new one isn't such a nice colour... :).
Friday 24 August
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