Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

2012: Week 34

Saturday 18 August

We had a Daisy-free weekend and made the most of it: a vineyard tour, wine tasting and lunch at Chilford Hall, about an hour away, a Christmas present from Mum & Dad; a trip into London to order suits for the groom's party; a lovely meal and The Dark Knight Rises at the IMAX and a stay overnight in a hotel. The weather was really hot today, but it was a fantastic day and we had more planned for tomorrow...

Sunday 19 August

Today's itinerary was a lie-in, late breakfast in our hotel room and a lovely half-hour walk along the South Bank to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre for a 1pm performance of Henry V, then an hour with university friends at the Royal Festival Hall before going home, picking up Daisy on the way.

Monday 20 August

Someone was so keen to go out on her bike, she didn't even want to wait to get dressed...

Tuesday 21 August

Apart from a fairly major tantrum over which shoes to wear this afternoon, Daisy and I had a lovely day today. We went into St Neots in the morning, bought a couple of books then went to a coffee shop to peruse said books over a drink and a biscuit. Here she is pointing out the cockaloodle-oo...

Wednesday 22 August

Still her favourite place to sit. We keep quite a lot of stuff on the arm of the chair - tissues, drinks coasters, etc - and it all has to be moved when she decides she wants to sit there.

Thursday 23 August

Mum & Dad arrived yesterday and are staying till Monday. When they were here a couple of weeks ago, they bought a car from a dealership about an hour away, and picked the new car up today.  Here they are saying goodbye to their old car.  Apparently the new one isn't such a nice colour... :).

Friday 24 August

Happy Birthday Daisy Bear! We had a lovely morning opening presents before I took her into London to spend the next 24 hours with Daddy. While she was away I converted her cot into a bed.  Tune in next week to see how she took to it :).

Friday, 24 August 2012

I Am Two!

Happy Birthday, Daisy! Or, in her own words: -

A year ago a friend told me that one was the best age to be, and largely I'd agree with that. We've watched Daisy grow from a baby into a little (very little) girl, and on the whole, apart from a couple of bumps along the way, it's been pretty painless. OK, so she's the world's pickiest eater, refusing all fruit and vegetables unless cunningly hidden inside pasta sauce or the like, and she is very adamant about not trying anything new, edible or otherwise, and she's grown quite whiny in the past few months, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised as I was all of those things when I was her age :). And at the same time, she's extremely clever, her speech is well ahead of its time and she makes me laugh every day.

A couple of examples of said intelligence/laughter-making abilities: -

Jon usually gets home from work just before Daisy's bath time, so they go upstairs and play catch-you on the landing while the bath's running. In the last month they've developed a new game, 'walk like a...' and so far their favourites are giant (first on the video) and penguin: -

Here's one of my favourite videos of Daisy, singing Twinkle Twinkle. If I'm sitting at the computer, I'll just play this in the background: -

Clare bought Daisy a trampoline for her birthday. Here she is trying it out for the first time: -

There's a lovely conversation that happens every night at bath time. Jon usually does bath time with Daisy and they have a little routine - after 'catch you' on the landing while the bath's running, it's bath, get dry, nappy on, climb the ladder (stepladder) to brush teeth, then I come upstairs and do stories. I often hear the following conversation when Daisy's getting out of the bath: -

Jon: We're going to get you nice and dry, then put your nappy on, then what?
Daisy: Then brush teeth up the ladder!
Jon: That's right. Then what do we do? Pyjamas on, then...?
Daisy: Milk and stories. Then bed!
Jon: Good girl. And what do you do in bed?
Daisy: Sleep.
Jon: That's right. And how do you sleep? Do you close your eyes?
Daisy: No. Eyes open. No close your eyes.

Then in the morning we invariably have a similar conversation: -

Me: Morning Daisy! Did you have a good sleep?
Daisy: In my new bed!
Me: Did you close your eyes to sleep?
Daisy: No, eyes open.

She's got a couple of other cute phrases that I haven't managed to catch on camera. A few weeks ago she started saying 'Genga, genga, genga,' over and over. I had no idea what she was saying, so every time she did it, I would say, 'What are you saying? Genga?' I still don't know what she was saying but she's stopped now. However, every time I say 'Genga' she says 'What say genga?'

Every time she puts her (or my, or anyone else's) sunglasses on, she says 'Very cool...'

She has taken Peppa Pig very much to her heart this past month, to the point where we rarely watch anything else when we're in the house (thankfully not all that much as the weather has been pretty nice this past month). I think it's a close call for favourite character between Suzy Sheep and Pedro Pony... she does ask to watch the episode where Pedro gives Peppa an eye test quite a lot, so maybe Pedro is the current favourite. She often says, 'That's funny, Pedro!' if one of us does something to make the other laugh, and when she's being naughty and we tell her it's not funny, she has taken to saying 'It is a bit funny...' just like Daddy Pig says. Which of course makes us laugh. Naughty Daisy!

She's started to recognise some letters: d is for dolphin, v is for vulture, h is for 'ippo, i is for iguana and j is for jaguar (she has an ABC Zoo book).

She's getting really good at singing 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes' - I'll try and get a video for next month. This month, though, how about the Rainbow Song? This was taken on her birthday, and for whatever reason, she sings 'today' at the end, instead of 'too': -

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Girl!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

2012: Week 33

Saturday 11 August

Apparently Daisy's going to Glastonbury...

Sunday 12 August

Relaxing with some nibbles in front of the TV.

Monday 13 August

Love this :). Actually the purpose of taking the photo was to see the flowers she'd picked for me, but as I'm rubbish at using my camera, the flowers were in focus and the people weren't, so I went for this one instead.

Tuesday 14 August

'Helping' Mummy change the bedding :).

Wednesday 15 August

Daisy's friend Mani came round today with his Mum. They were so cute together! My decent camera (the one I don't know how to use) was upstairs so I just snapped this on my point-and-shoot and the quality isn't great, but I still love it!

Thursday 16 August

I was trying to get the two of us in the mirror, but this was the best I could do before she got bored...

Friday 17 August

A girl can never have too many shoes :).

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

2012: Week 32

Saturday 4 August

Go Team GB!

Sunday 5 August

Coffee, cake and a good book...

Monday 6 August

This was the colour of the sky when I went out this afternoon. By the time I was on my way home - walking, of course - it was pouring down. I was wearing my raincoat, but my jeans were still soaking wet after a 5-minute journey in the rain :).

Tuesday 7 August

Taking advantage of the fact that Daisy's away till Friday, I went for a run this morning, my first road run in about 4 years and first real exercise in 18 months. I then went into London to sort out my wedding ring and ran a couple of errands on the way home. I also stopped at Stotfold, home town of gold medal-winning cyclist Victoria Pendleton, to see the post box that Royal Mail has painted gold in her honour. A lady came to post a letter as I was taking a photo of the box, and offered to take my picture. She even gave me her letter to post :).

Wednesday 8 August

Didn't take any photos today, so here's one from tomorrow - arriving at the Olympic Park. In front of me was a man who looked and walked a lot like Michael Winner, and when I got in front of him, turns out it was Michael Winner ;).

Thursday 9 August

We had tickets to the 'morning' session at the Olympic Stadium, although it actually went on till 4pm. After 1pm there was just the Pole Vault for the Decathlon to watch, and quite a few people left early, but we got our money's worth and stayed for the whole session. I loved being at the Olympic Park, and now regret having sold back the other tickets we got in the ballot for the beach volleyball at Horseguards' Parade. Oh well, at least we can say we were there for one of the days.

Friday 10 August

Jen and I spent some time this afternoon putting together a trampoline that Clare had bought Daisy for her birthday. When Daisy got home she was grumpy as she'd been asleep in the car and it took her a while to wake up, but once she saw the trampoline she cheered up immediately. Thanks Clare!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

2012: Week 31

Saturday 28 July

We said goodbye to the Lake District, Mum, Dad and Jen today.  Daisy had a lovely week (so did Mummy, with four other adults to entertain Daisy) and was sorry to say goodbye, particularly to Auntie Jen.

Sunday 29 July

Daisy has developed a liking for climbing into my bed while I'm drying my hair in the morning.  Usually we sing the Sleeping Bunnies song where she gets up and jumps around half-way through, but this morning she was still quite tired, asked for her bedtime toys, and lay like this until I'd finished my hair.

Monday 30 July

This is the middle of the day, but she's naked because we spent all morning in the garden digging up potatoes and playing in the sandpit (which was very wet as the lid isn't a perfect fit and it poured down overnight). While I was making lunch (baked potatoes, naturally), she sat on the kitchen counter and practised her tea-drinking technique.  Just need to extend that pinky and she'll have it sorted :).

Tuesday 31 July

Breakthrough! After loving her first foray into playground equipment last summer, Daisy has had a distinctly different reaction this year, in particular to the swings.  There have only been a handful of times that she's wanted to go on them, and that's usually when she sees other kids her age enjoying themselves on them.  The power of peer pressure :). Today I was surprised when she actually asked to go on the swings, and positively astounded when she stayed there for almost 20 minutes, asking me to push her higher and higher! In fact, she only got off the swing because I was desperate for the loo...

Wednesday 1 August

I didn't take too many pictures this week but today I received the ones that Jen and Mum had taken last week on holiday. This is slightly out of focus but I love it.  It was taken last Wednesday in Ambleside, in front of the famous House on the Bridge.

Thursday 2 August

Daisy went to nursery today, enabling me to get the last of the laundry done from our week away. She still wasn't keen to go there this morning, and cried when I left her, but as usual, was fine within a couple of minutes. After I picked her up she seemed in a fairly good mood so we had a mini photo-shoot and this is one of my favourites.

Friday 3 August

Jon and I were remarking how long Daisy's hair is getting and that it would probably go into one ponytail, so I tried it after bath time. All she needs now is a tutu. I have one upstairs (remember the skirt you found at Ross, Keri, when we stayed with you?), but she'd probably be very reluctant to wear it. I might give it a try if she's in a good mood one day, though.  You never know... :).