Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Twenty-Three Months

Where does the time go? Only a month until my baby is two... Although Jon's been teaching her to say 'I am two' for weeks now. Plus she's certainly been starting to have tantrums like a two-year-old...

A couple of weeks ago, Daisy came up to me in the kitchen and said 'I want a cracker.'  It was probably the first time she had uttered a full, subject-verb-object sentence and I was so proud :). I did, however, want her to learn her manners at the same time, so I said, 'Oh do you? What do you say?' and waited for her to say please before giving her a cracker. Evidently the next couple of times she asked for a cracker, I replied with 'Do you? What do you say?' because she's now started saying 'I want a cracker, do you?' :). This has now developed into her substituting the word 'cracker' for whatever it is she wants. Here she is asking for 'flakes' (corn flakes). It's not the best of examples, but it's the only one I've got and you get the idea. What I love is at the end of the clip she knows just who to ask to get what she wants: -

Here's another clip later on in the same video. Naughty Grandpa!
One of the songs we sing is a farm song which goes 'Moo, moo, moo, moo, that's the way it goes,' [substitute other animals noises in different verses], and Daisy's version goes like this: -
This video isn't indicative of anything in particular, other than the fact that she's just so funny: -
She's started saying 'How about...' when someone asks her a question. 'Daisy, which story to you want?' 'How 'bout... this one?' Or, 'Daisy, do you want to go in your buggy, or walk?' 'How 'bout.... Mummy carry?' I wasn't aware I said 'how about' all that much, but I guess she must have got it from me... She's learned how to work the DVD player this month, so now instead of bring me a DVD box (usually Happy Feet) and saying 'Penguins on TV, penguins on TV', she just puts the DVD in the machine herself :). She loves the part of the film where the penguins dance to 'Boogie Wonderland', and even joins in herself: -
In case you weren't sure, at the end of that clip she really does say 'stinky poo'. I didn't teach her that :). Finally, here she is reading one of her favourite books - although not one of mine, I have to say: on each page there's a picture of a baby animal you pull the tab to reveal a picture of the baby with its mother. Daisy can get a little over-enthusiastic so I have been known to hide the book under the sofa when I'm fed up of policing the tab-pulling to ensure they don't get broken...  Another reason for showing this video is that I love the way that Daisy pronounces Mumble, the name of the baby penguin on Happy Feet :).

Next monthly update you'll be two, Daisy Bear...

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