Saturday 7 April
Today was finally the day of the family photo shoot that we've been trying to arrange with Jon's family since last June. Needless to say, Daisy didn't think all that much of it, but we did manage to get some nice shots in the end. I'll post one when we get the order through. Instead, here's Eloise enjoying her first Easter egg of the weekend...
Sunday 8 April
Easter Egg Hunt in Nanny's back garden!
Monday 9 April
Daisy still loves her bath time. She forgets that she likes it until she's in the water, but we struggle to get her out once she's in :).
Tuesday 10 April
'Yep, this is where I stand. Yes, it's a colander. What of it?'
Wednesday 11 April
Daisy and I went to Mum & Dad's today - we're staying until Sunday, and Jon will get the train up on Saturday morning. Daisy loved drawing pictures with Nanna - or more specifically, she loved saying 'Nanna do it! and watching Nanna draw pictures...
Thursday 12 April
We spent an hour at the park in the village this morning. Daisy loved it! We sent her down the slide and she smiled all the way down, then when Mum asked if she wanted to do it again she said no, but if she was put at the top she happily went down it again. Her favourite part was walking across a wooden rope bridge whose metal fixings squeaked every time she went across it... 'More mouse! Eek eek!'
Friday 13 April
New cardigan, made by Nanna. And I quote, from this afternoon when I went to put her purple coat on her: 'No purple coat! Blue one!'
Sunday 8 April
Monday 9 April

Tuesday 10 April

Wednesday 11 April
Thursday 12 April

Friday 13 April

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