In the last month, Daisy has learned to pronounce her own name properly (so no more calling her Deddiss) and she's started stringing short sentences together, rather than just saying a word or two. Most of her sentences include the word 'got', and she's learned to put adjectives (mainly colours) in front of nouns: Daisy got porridge, Daisy got pink trousers, Mummy got grapes etc. She's also learned to recognise the rest of the numbers from 1 to 10 (she knew 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 already), although I think she thinks a zero is '10'. For instance if she sees a number 60, she'll say 'number six, number ten'. She's developed a passion for flowers this month, which basically means that every time we go anywhere where there are flowers, she wants to pick them. We only pick dandelions and daisies - Daisy got fowers! - but even so, our compost bin is getting quite full :).
She's also developed a liking for the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and knows the names of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Goofy. She still loves DipDap, and Numtums, and she's rediscovered the Sing & Sign DVD that Jon bought her over a year ago. I think because we've been going to Sing & Sign classes for a year and she recognises the songs, she likes watching the DVD more. We decided not to go back to Sing & Sign this term because she's past the signing stage now, and doesn't stop talking. I really enjoyed it and am glad we went, but it didn't seem to benefit her as much as it might have if she hadn't been such an early talker. It did come in handy today, though - we were in the car on the way back from Daddy's and I heard her say what I thought was the word 'friends'. It isn't one we use all that often - I tend to use her friends' names when I talk about them to her, rather than saying 'Daisy's friends' - so I wasn't sure if I'd heard right. I turned round and she was signing as well as saying the word 'friends' so I knew she meant it.
She's got two or three books that we read every night before bed, and one of them, Doctor Daisy, is becoming so familiar that not only do I know it off by heart, but she's learned quite a lot of it too. Check out this video:
Her hair is getting crazy long, and I can't decide whether to cut in a fringe or leave it to grow. She wears a clip in the front to keep it out of her eyes, but I spend most of the day putting it back in once it's wriggled out of place. I can't imagine she'd take too kindly to someone coming at her with a pair of scissors, though, so maybe I'll just leave it as it is for now :). She got her 15th tooth through today as well, her lower right canine, and it looks like her left one won't be too far behind.
She loves going to the Zoo, among other things, when she stays with Daddy and Shelley. If you ask her what she saw at the zoo she always says the same things, in the same order: pengens, ga-ties (tigers), goats (at the petting zoo), wadda hands (wash your hands - after petting the goats) :).
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
2012: Week 16
Saturday 14 April
Happy Birthday Mum! In celebration of Mum's birthday, and because it was the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic, we dressed up in our fancy clothes and had an eight-course meal this evening based on the menu for the first class restaurant on the ship 100 years ago. We were a bit premature with our 1920s-related accessories, but we still had fun :).
Sunday 15 April
We left Mum & Dad's to come home today, but this morning Daisy asked to watch some Mickey Mouse. I found some on YouTube and she was perfectly happy.
Monday 16 April
On the way back from the children's centre this morning we kept having to stop every few metres so Daisy could pick 'more fowers' (we only picked dandelions). By the time we got home she had almost more than she could carry :).
Tuesday 17 April
Daisy likes to go 'up the top' of the climbing frame in the park so she can look out of the 'bubble'. Peepo!
Wednesday 18 April
Looking out at a rainy day...
Thursday 19 April
Daisy went to nursery for an hour this morning for her first settling in session. She cried after we left, held Aggie and Ellie for a few minutes and sucked her thumb while Carla read her a story, then forgot about Aggie and Ellie and went to play in the sand. By the time we got back there an hour later she was perfectly happy, had half a dozen strings of beads round her neck and was telling everyone what colour they all were...
Friday 20 April
Daisy went to Daddy's yesterday afternoon for the weekend so I spent much of the rest of yesterday finishing off this cross stitch for my friend's little girl. It didn't take all that long and I loved doing something other than the bed design I've been doing for everyone I've known who's had a baby over the past few years...
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
2012: Week 15
Saturday 7 April
Today was finally the day of the family photo shoot that we've been trying to arrange with Jon's family since last June. Needless to say, Daisy didn't think all that much of it, but we did manage to get some nice shots in the end. I'll post one when we get the order through. Instead, here's Eloise enjoying her first Easter egg of the weekend...
Sunday 8 April
Easter Egg Hunt in Nanny's back garden!
Monday 9 April
Daisy still loves her bath time. She forgets that she likes it until she's in the water, but we struggle to get her out once she's in :).
Tuesday 10 April
'Yep, this is where I stand. Yes, it's a colander. What of it?'
Wednesday 11 April
Daisy and I went to Mum & Dad's today - we're staying until Sunday, and Jon will get the train up on Saturday morning. Daisy loved drawing pictures with Nanna - or more specifically, she loved saying 'Nanna do it! and watching Nanna draw pictures...
Thursday 12 April
We spent an hour at the park in the village this morning. Daisy loved it! We sent her down the slide and she smiled all the way down, then when Mum asked if she wanted to do it again she said no, but if she was put at the top she happily went down it again. Her favourite part was walking across a wooden rope bridge whose metal fixings squeaked every time she went across it... 'More mouse! Eek eek!'
Friday 13 April
New cardigan, made by Nanna. And I quote, from this afternoon when I went to put her purple coat on her: 'No purple coat! Blue one!'
Sunday 8 April
Monday 9 April

Tuesday 10 April

Wednesday 11 April
Thursday 12 April

Friday 13 April

Tuesday, 10 April 2012
2012: Week 14
Saturday 31 March
We went to Ipswich yesterday, to Jon's stepdad's retirement party. We had fun this morning pretending to be monkeys with Jessie.
Sunday 1 April
Daisy prefers Jon's version of 'Row, row, row the boat' to mine - in his version the boat actually moves along the floor...
Monday 2 April
Keeping you up?
Tuesday 3 April
'Hi, yeah, I'm in the supermarket...'
Wednesday 4 April
This is Daisy's friend Harry, who we went to visit this morning. She likes him a lot, until he tries to use her as a crutch for standing up :).
Thursday 5 April
'Daisy got Piglet!' I got fed up of fighting to do up her poppers at bedtime, so I bought some pyjamas for her yesterday. The 12-18 month ones looked quite big in the packet - they said up to 28 lbs, and Daisy's less than 21 lbs, so I picked up a packet of 9-12 month ones as well. with Minnie Mouse on them. They were still enormous, and at one point before bed yesterday I heard her say 'Oh no Mickey Mouse!' (she doesn't know that Minnie is someone different) and when I turned round her trousers were round her ankles... So we went back today and got this almost-20-month-old some 6-9 month pyjamas.
Friday 6 April
Daisy discovered a love for cocktail sausages at Finn's first birthday party today ;).

Sunday 1 April

Monday 2 April

Tuesday 3 April
Wednesday 4 April
Thursday 5 April

Friday 6 April
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
2012: Week 13
Saturday 24 March
I got my engagement ring back yesterday, duly sized and engraved. Woohoo!
Sunday 25 March
Jon and I went to Bletchley Park today, where the Enigma codebreakers worked during the Second World War. This is Alan Turing's room - complete with mug chained to the radiator so no one but he could use it :).
Monday 26 March
Doose, kite, rah!
Tuesday 27 March
Wednesday 28 March
She LOVES her pasta. A little too much. I was still finding bits in her ear by bathtime...
Thursday 29 March
Daisy and I went to Southampton today, to stay with Liz and Andy and their girls. Daisy loved playing with Caitlin and Ava's shopping trolley and checkout till, and I loved catching up with Liz and Clare :).
Friday 30 March
We went to Jiggy Wrigglers this morning with Liz and Ava. It's a singing group but it was a lot louder than anything Daisy's been to before and she didn't like it :(. Once the music started she kept saying 'No sing. Car.' over and over so we left and met Liz back at home a little bit later. This shot was taken by Clare before the crying started :).
Sunday 25 March
Monday 26 March
Tuesday 27 March

Wednesday 28 March

Thursday 29 March

Friday 30 March
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