Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Nineteen Months

I was going to skip this month and just do a post every other month about stuff that Daisy's learned, but she seems to have learned such a lot this month that it warrants a post of its own.

First up, she got two new teeth this past week, although I'm not sure exactly when they came through. Her upper canines were both visible on Wednesday, but her right one is further through than her left, so it probably cut through a day or two earlier.

Her eating has got much better since we started the new policy of three meals a day with no snacks and milk instead of formula. She regularly sleeps from 19:00 till 07:00 or later - sometimes I have to wake her up at 07:45. I try to wake her up earlier than this, though, because a couple of days this week she hasn't been tired at nap time and has just sat in her bed chatting to her toys for an hour and a half. Which is fine, until we get to about 18:00 and she starts getting really cranky... :). She still doesn't eat much in the way of vegetables, so I hide loads of them in pasta sauce, but she likes chips - I make my own with spray oil, which are free on Slimming World, so don't worry, I'm not overdosing her on oil or salt. Fruit-wise, she's started eating grapes, and she loves the Annabel Karmel bags of freeze-dried apples and bananas, probably because they have Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh on the packets, but as long as she's eating them, it's a step in the right direction towards eating actual fruit. Talking of Mickey Mouse, her speech is still coming on in leaps and bounds. Check out this very short but equally very cute video :).

She will attempt to repeat pretty much any two-syllable word you tell her, and her new vocab this month includes words like kisses, crazy, garden, animals, water can, garlic and silly.

Her main area of development this month has been in counting. She's moved on from last month's 'one, sezen, eight, ten!', through actually counting properly, to the current counting craze which is trying to count to ten as quickly as possible, so it sounds more like 'one, zzzz seveneightnineten!' We were looking at nurseries this week and one had mobiles hanging from the ceiling. I pulled one closer to me as I was holding Daisy, a blue star with a number 5 on it, and asked her what it was, I was expecting her to say star, or even blue, but she said five. The lady showing us round the nursery was amazed and said most kids don't learn to recognise number till they're about 2. There's a five-minute show on CBeebies called the Numtums, which she loves, and I think it has had a lot to do with her progress in recognising numbers. It's basically a counting show using cartoon animals with numbers on their tummies and since we started watching it a week ago, she's learned to recognise 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9. It makes walking to the post box fun because she looks for the house numbers on all the doors we pass. She also makes a point of looking out for the house with the 'red door', then there's 'black door', 'blue door' and 'brown door' before we get to the post box.

We've spent a lot more time in the park this month since the weather's got a bit warmer. Daisy asks to go to the park, then spends her time sitting at the bottom of the slide. I keep asking her if she wants to go on the swings, or down the slide properly, and she says no. I've come to the conclusion that encouragement is not necessarily always well received - at Tumble Tots on Thursday she was perfectly happy exploring a balance beam but as soon as I suggested she stand on it, she said no and walked away. Miss Independent, I guess :).

Happy Nineteen Months, (not so) Baby Girl!

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