Saturday 11 February
Just reading my book, minding my own business...
Sunday 12 February

Jon and I went to a photo session today - £10 for a 10-minute session, and you get all the digitals to do what you want with. We had 36 photos taken in those 10 minutes, and there are three or four really nice ones, including this one, which is my favourite. Well worth a tenner.
Monday 13 February
Daisy had a bit of a strop this afternoon after we got back from Rob's and wasn't in the mood for photos. This was the best I could do...
Tuesday 14 February
And despite appearances, she was cranky all day long today too. I had hoped to take some cute Valentine's pictures of her, but she spent most of the day whining. Oh well, there's always next year.
Wednesday 15 February
New favourite place to sit.
Thursday 16 February
Daisy's got chicken pox! Maybe that explains the crankiness earlier in the week. We were expecting her to get it at some point - after we spent the weekend in Ipswich a couple of weeks ago, Jon's niece then came down with it on the Monday. So far she has about a dozen spots but thankfully she doesn't seem to realise it. I took her to the pharmacy this morning to get the chicken pox confirmed and buy some calamine lotion and anti-histamine for the itching, and while we were there I finally got round to getting a photo printed to put in the other side of the frame with the hand and foot imprints we did on her first birthday. I knew I wanted this picture, but a combination of the photo printing machines at the supermarket being broken for a long time and me forgetting to take my USB key meant I didn't do it till now. Still, better late than never!
Friday 17 February
She's got a lot more spots today, mainly on her face, unfortunately, but they still don't seem to be bothering her. What is bothering her, though, is the fact that she's been sick 8 times in 6 hours since getting up. I took her to the doctor this morning and was told to make sure she was hydrated and to call them if she's still being sick throughout the weekend. When she's not being sick she's fine in herself, albeit a bit subdued, and she's napped more than usual. This was how I found her when I went to get her up from a nap this morning...
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