Saturday 3 September
Every time Daisy hears someone say 'Good girl!' she claps her hands...
Sunday 4 September

My favourite of Daisy's presents (let's face it, it's really a present for me) is this beautiful wall hanging that my Mum made. It was originally supposed to be a quilt but I told Mum a few months ago that there was no way I was going to risk ruining it by actually using it, so she backed it and put tabs on the top instead. I bought the various pieces I needed to hang it on the wall in her room today and I love how it's turned out!
Monday 5 September

Daisy had her MMR jabs today, so rather than put up a picture of her screaming, I went for this one instead. I made it for my lovely friend Catherine and apparently it now has price of place in James's nursery, so that's good :). I have a backlog of about half a dozen of these to do for various people, so I'd better get on with it...
Tuesday 6 September

Keri sent this really cool top for Daisy almost a year ago. Because she's so small for her age, I have lots of clothes queuing up and I'm worried I might forget about them and she'll grow too big to wear them in the meantime, so I go through the 'waiting' box every couple of weeks and pull out a few more things to add to the 'current' collection. But even more important is that she's wearing her first ever proper pair of shoes! We went to Clarks today to have them fitted. Size 2 :).
Wednesday 7 September

We went swimming this morning (she whimpered for 10 minutes then laughed her head off for the next 40) and on the way back we stopped at Mothercare. Now that I know her shoe size, I couldn't resist these little boots ;).
Thursday 8 September
Alicia came to visit today! Daisy had a really good day, so it was a perfect day for visitors. We went into St Neots and had some lunch, then just spent the rest of the day watching Daisy be cute.
Friday 9 September

Another shot of the boots. Although she's finding it harder to walk now she has these great clunking things on the end of her feet. The woman in the shoe shop on Tuesday said she might regress with her walking but would get back on track fairly quickly.
Awe! I remember buying that shirt! It looks every bit as adorable on her as I had imagined it would! Love it!