Saturday 11 June

Mum, Dad, Daisy and I went to the Swiss Garden at Shuttleworth Air Museum this afternoon before the forecast rain came (which it didn't, until much later in the day). This peacock was contemplating showing his feathers to Daisy but she was entirely non-plussed, so he changed his mind.
Sunday 12 June

Baby Einstein still holds her attention like nothing before or since...
Monday 13 June

So beautiful. This was taken before the screaming started (see below)...
Tuesday 14 June

I was cutting Daisy's fingernails last night and she moved just at the wrong time and I got a bit of the skin on the end of her thumb instead. She cried lots, but I think that was less to do with it hurting and more because I wouldn't let her have her thumb back as it was bleeding and I didn't want it to go everywhere, so I put her thumb in my mouth and she fought me for a good 20 minutes to get it back. Once she did calm down, she actually almost fell asleep, she'd tired herself out from crying so much. The main issue was that it's the thumb she sucks when she's tired, but tonight she was asleep before she'd finished her bottle so there was no real problem there. We did eventually get a plaster on it after about the 7th attempt - it took me, Mum and Dad to do it - and this is her with her poorly finger this morning. By the time I got her up from her nap at noon the plaster had come off and it was all fine.
Wednesday 15 June

I'm not keen on putting bows or ribbons in babies' hair, particularly if they don't have any, but I'm fed up of people telling me what a beautiful boy I have, even when she's dressed in pink...
Thursday 16 June

"I'll watch this one please, Mummy."
Friday 17 June

I was trying to get a better shot than this but she would not keep still :).
Mum, Dad, Daisy and I went to the Swiss Garden at Shuttleworth Air Museum this afternoon before the forecast rain came (which it didn't, until much later in the day). This peacock was contemplating showing his feathers to Daisy but she was entirely non-plussed, so he changed his mind.
Sunday 12 June
Baby Einstein still holds her attention like nothing before or since...
Monday 13 June
So beautiful. This was taken before the screaming started (see below)...
Tuesday 14 June

I was cutting Daisy's fingernails last night and she moved just at the wrong time and I got a bit of the skin on the end of her thumb instead. She cried lots, but I think that was less to do with it hurting and more because I wouldn't let her have her thumb back as it was bleeding and I didn't want it to go everywhere, so I put her thumb in my mouth and she fought me for a good 20 minutes to get it back. Once she did calm down, she actually almost fell asleep, she'd tired herself out from crying so much. The main issue was that it's the thumb she sucks when she's tired, but tonight she was asleep before she'd finished her bottle so there was no real problem there. We did eventually get a plaster on it after about the 7th attempt - it took me, Mum and Dad to do it - and this is her with her poorly finger this morning. By the time I got her up from her nap at noon the plaster had come off and it was all fine.
Wednesday 15 June
I'm not keen on putting bows or ribbons in babies' hair, particularly if they don't have any, but I'm fed up of people telling me what a beautiful boy I have, even when she's dressed in pink...
Thursday 16 June
"I'll watch this one please, Mummy."
Friday 17 June
I was trying to get a better shot than this but she would not keep still :).
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