Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 25

Saturday 18 June

Bit of a cheat today and tomorrow because I wanted to put both these pictures up, even though they were taken on the same day. We went over to Ipswich today for a barbecue to celebrate Jon's brother's girlfriend's 30th birthday, which was a couple of weeks ago, and his sister's birthday, which is on Tuesday. We managed to avoid the rain showers and cook and eat a barbecue outside between downpours. Jon's Mum and brother-in-law made these two cakes for the birthday girls. This one is Louise's...

Sunday 19 June

... and this is Katherine's. They tasted as good as they looked too. Although I resisted the urge to eat any of the choccies.

Monday 20 June

Another slight cheat because I didn't take this picture - Rob did - and I suspect it was taken yesterday, but I didn't see it until today :). Not quite sure how I managed to make such a beautiful girl.

Tuesday 21 June

This is how she looked when I went in to wake her from her nap this afternoon.

Wednesday 22 June

The washing machine broke on Monday. I could hear a buzzing noise, and saw that the fuse looked like it was burning through the plug, as there were brown scorch marks on it, so I turned the machine off at the wall. I managed to pull the plug out of the socket today (the plastic had melted the two together a bit) and this was the state of the plug - and the socket. Once I got the plug apart it looks like it might just need a new fuse (and plug and socket plate) and the machine itself might just be fine. Well, apparently they do say that you're not supposed to put the washing machine on then go out. It's a good job I wasn't out on Monday; dread to think what would have happened if the sparks had turned into a fire...

Thursday 23 June

This is Daisy's innocent face, when she's knows she's being naughty. You know, something like going for my handbag when I've told her not to a hundred times :).

Friday 24 June

Auntie Jen arrived yesterday and she's staying the whole weekend!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 24

Saturday 11 June

Mum, Dad, Daisy and I went to the Swiss Garden at Shuttleworth Air Museum this afternoon before the forecast rain came (which it didn't, until much later in the day). This peacock was contemplating showing his feathers to Daisy but she was entirely non-plussed, so he changed his mind.

Sunday 12 June

Baby Einstein still holds her attention like nothing before or since...

Monday 13 June

So beautiful. This was taken before the screaming started (see below)...

Tuesday 14 June

I was cutting Daisy's fingernails last night and she moved just at the wrong time and I got a bit of the skin on the end of her thumb instead. She cried lots, but I think that was less to do with it hurting and more because I wouldn't let her have her thumb back as it was bleeding and I didn't want it to go everywhere, so I put her thumb in my mouth and she fought me for a good 20 minutes to get it back. Once she did calm down, she actually almost fell asleep, she'd tired herself out from crying so much. The main issue was that it's the thumb she sucks when she's tired, but tonight she was asleep before she'd finished her bottle so there was no real problem there. We did eventually get a plaster on it after about the 7th attempt - it took me, Mum and Dad to do it - and this is her with her poorly finger this morning. By the time I got her up from her nap at noon the plaster had come off and it was all fine.

Wednesday 15 June

I'm not keen on putting bows or ribbons in babies' hair, particularly if they don't have any, but I'm fed up of people telling me what a beautiful boy I have, even when she's dressed in pink...

Thursday 16 June

"I'll watch this one please, Mummy."

Friday 17 June

I was trying to get a better shot than this but she would not keep still :).

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 23

Saturday 4 June

Having gone to Jo & Duncan's wedding in Glasgow three weeks ago, we were then invited to their 'London Celebration' today, which was held in the State Rooms of Speaker's House inside the Houses of Parliament. This picture of Big Ben is taken from inside the courtyard; not an angle I've ever seen it from before :).

Sunday 5 June

I managed to get halfway through pressure washing the paving stones at the front of the house today before the pressure washer died :(. I'll have to borrow one from the next-door neighbours then find a spare couple of hours to finish the job. Might be a couple of weeks yet...

Monday 6 June

This picture is a screen shot of what Jen saw while we were Skyping with her today. What you don't see on the picture is that when Daisy took her mouth away from my wrist, she left teeth marks behind...

Tuesday 7 June

I love this picture of her with her hood up.

Wednesday 8 June

Having had absolutely no success getting Daisy to drink out of a 'weaning cup', I switched tactics today and went for a sippy cup. It was much more successful, but the good thing about the weaning cup is that it didn't spill when it was turned upside down. This one, on the other hand, does, unless the lid is down, and I didn't get to it in time before Daisy had poured a lot of the water in it onto her jeans...

Thursday 9 June

Daisy has now mastered the art of crawling backwards, although going forwards is still a feat to be accomplished.

Friday 10 June

I bought these foam mats today and Daisy loved her new extended play area :).

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 22

Saturday 28 May

Getting so close to crawling now :). She spent most of yesterday leaning forward like this, building up the strength in her arms, and she just needs to learn to push her front leg out behind her and not then flop straight onto her tummy... Won't be long.

Sunday 29 May

We saw this busker in Cambridge today. Yep, he's actually playing the guitar from inside a litter bin.

Monday 30 May

Jon and Daisy were playing 'Hide the Shoe' this afternoon. Jon found the perfect hiding place. Until Daisy looked down, anyway.

Tuesday 31 May

We tried 'Popeye Pasta' (spinach and cheese sauce) for the first time today. It was a hit! This is also a good shot of the new teeth.

Wednesday 1 June

We were just about to leave the house this afternoon when these were delivered! I'm so spoilt ;).

Thursday 2 June

This is the effect In The Night Garden has on Daisy... She was transfixed.

Friday 3 June

We went up to Rutland today to the beautiful wedding of Rachel and Matt. Here's Daisy and me waiting for the ceremony to start.