Saturday 26 March

Daisy's got a tummy bug. She threw up her breakfast yesterday as soon as she'd eaten it, in fact before she'd finished, and I didn't think anything of it until she threw up her lunch as well. I rang the doctor, as it was Friday and I didn't want to go the whole weekend without speaking to someone about what it might be, and I was told to keep her hydrated, let her eat if she wants to, and it would probably just be a 24-hour thing. We drove to Jon's this morning and five minutes before we arrived, she threw up all over herself and the car seat, and then she brought back her lunch as well, so she's gone back onto formula, as she's keeping that down, at least. She thing is, she's not unhappy; and if she weren't puking you wouldn't know there was anything wrong as she's still full of smiles. But seeing as I didn't take any pictures of her today (believe me, I was tempted to take one of her smiling through the puke, but I decided even I wasn't that cruel), here's a placeholder showing the aforementioned tummy.
Sunday 27 March
How cute is this??? It was dropped through the letterbox this afternoon. I really hope they found it.
Monday 28 March
Daisy still isn't better and is only having formula (I tried a spoon of baby rice in with the formula on Saturday but that came back up), so I took her to the doctor today. He examined her and said he couldn't find anything wrong, and seeing as she's clearly not unhappy it might just take longer to get rid of this bug. He told us to go back in 10 days if she wasn't better by then. On the way home, I passed a shop that had this slogan outside. The security may well be at its best, but the punctuation clearly isn't. Sigh.
Tuesday 29 March
This is Daisy's new favourite pastime: waiting for Mummy to build a tower then knocking it down...
Wednesday 30 March

Looks like the end is in sight for the tummy bug, although I felt really rough all day today and even had a nap when Daisy did; something I haven't done in months. So again, no pictures today. Wow, if I can't even make this last three months, I don't know how I'm going to keep it up for a year... Another placeholder, but such a cute one!
Thursday 31 March

I felt much better today, until about 17:00 when I went downhill very quickly and actually ended up hugging the toilet myself at about 19:45. I felt much better straight away, though, and after a full night's sleep was right as rain in the morning. I didn't get vast amounts done today, but I did manage to coat part of one wall of Jon's bathroom with tile paint. The tiles are flowery, and while I'm pleased with how easily the paint went on, I think it will probably take three coats to cover the pattern completely, and in the week that I've been here, I've only managed to put a coat of primer and a coat of paint on part of one wall, so I have a feeling it might be a long job... :)
Friday 1 April
Today I picked up the pottery we painted last Thursday, and it came out really well, considering I wanted a 7-month-old squirmy child to keep her hand still for long enough to imprint it on a tile - twice. This is the one we sent to Nanna in the hope it would arrive tomorrow (it did :)).
Great pics, and I love that letter about the plane!