In other news, but still along the same lines, I mentioned to her on Monday that it was about time we went to have her feet measured at the shoe shop, and she asked if we could go straight away. This is the child who, last time we went to get her feet measured at the shoe shop, did this: -
That was last September, the third time we'd been and the third time she'd cried. So I did the groundwork by telling her that the lady would put something on her foot to see how big it was, and there would be lots of numbers on it that she could look for. She seemed fine, but then she seemed fine the last three times before the stranger with the foot measurer appeared. This time, however, she really was fine! No tears, she sat still and was great while the lady (who I told not to be surprised when I introduced her to Daisy as Miss Rabbit) measured her feet, and she tried on three or four pairs of shoes before getting bored. We bought some lovely new red shoes, just like Peppa Pig buys when she goes to Miss Rabbit's shoe shop, and she's been showing them off ever since. And also tripping over in them, as she's not used to them :).
A couple of cute things she's said this month, in case you missed them on Facebook: -
Daisy:'I winned!'
Jon: 'You won, Daisy.'
Daisy: 'No, I'm two!'
Daisy (who has so far shown no interest whatsoever in potty training): 'Mummy, where are you going?'
Jon: 'Mummy's going for a wee on the toilet. Does Daisy do wees on the toilet?'
D: 'No...'
J: 'Where do you do your wees?'
D: 'In the bath.'
Talking of potty training, I do keep thinking that it's about time she started, but I spoke to one of the Mums at toddlers last week who's a nursery nurse and when I told her that Daisy doesn't acknowledge that she's done a poo, even when I've checked her nappy and know she has, she said that there's no point in trying to potty train her yet as it will be really hard work. So we'll leave it for a little while. What I didn't realise until this Mum told me was that the average age for potty training is three, which surprised me, but made me feel better that at two years and eight months, Daisy's not there yet. She'll get there in the end, and in the meantime changing nappies is no big deal. Perhaps we'll try in the summer.
I finally set up an iPod and our travel speaker in Daisy's room last week, so she could listen to her new Peppa Pig Nursery Rhymes and Songs CD while reading along with the picture book. She loves it, and last night I set up the camera to record her singing along with Peppa. She was very tired and not always keen to sing, but I did manage to get the following: -
Incy Wincy Spider: -
In the words of Peppa, that's enough singing for today. Goodnight!