Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Twenty-Nine Months

We've had a relatively good month since the last update, including a great Christmas, New Year in the Cotswolds and three weeks of wedding preparation. Daisy's favourite pastime is now jumping, whether on the trampoline, on the sofa or just on the floor. When she's on the trampoline, she likes to 'jump really big high', and then she likes to 'spin really big fast'. She's learned a lot of phrases from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, including 'Oh boy oh boy' when I tell her we're doing something she likes, and 'X marks the spot' when watching or talking about anything to do with finding treasure.

When she gets frustrated, she has taken to saying 'Foe!' I'm not entirely sure where that's come from, but I have a feeling it might be me... When I get frustrated, I say, 'Oh, for...' then stop myself before I swear. Naughty Mummy :).

A couple more funny phrases of Daisy's: she likes to put things 'in the right border' and often hides things 'under the neath'.

Videos this month:

Firstly, Sing-Along-A-Mickey-Mouse: -

Then a conversation about Sparky the Lion, in the episode 'Donald's Lost Lion': -

And finally, some Pirate Dancing, which she stops and does every time she watches this particular episode of Timmy Time: -

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

2012: Week 52 and a Half

This post is just for the last three days of 2012. For new posts in 2013, please go to my Project 365 Website for 2013.

Saturday 29 December

Jon took this picture while Daisy wasn't looking this morning. I love it!

Sunday 30 December

We left Mum & Dad's today and travelled to the Cotswolds to spend New Year with Jon's friends. Daisy enjoyed spending time with Teddy and Matilda, and playing with Teddy's puzzles, but mostly she enjoyed watching the Timmy Time DVD that Jen got her for Christmas ;-).

Monday 31 December

My Facebook status today read: "I feel quite sad to be leaving 2012 behind. As well as being a great year for Britain, it's been a great year for me - I've got engaged, bought a house, lost 2 stone, planned a wedding... I suppose next year I'll have to be content with getting married, going on honeymoon, building a house and moving into it :-)."

I hope you've enjoyed this year's pictures.  Even though I hate remembering to take my camera with me everywhere and I often forget to take photos for days at a time, I'm going to continue doing Project 365 in 2013. Glutton for punishment...

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

2012: Week 52

Saturday 22 December

I didn't take this photo today, but the gingerbread house was made today ;). Jon's niece Eloise made it with Jon's Mum. When we broke into it on Boxing Day, it was a bit like the floodgates opened for me. I'd been as good as I possibly could be on the food front until then, but the gingerbread house tasted so delicious I couldn't stop eating it :).

Sunday 23 December

We went to the pantomime in Ipswich this afternoon, then to Jon's sister's for Chinese takeaway (after I'd weighed in at the fat club round the corner - half a pound off!). Here's Finn showing off his six-pack :).

Monday 24 December

The dog's happy - for the time being. Enjoy it while you can, Angus - there'll be children here tomorrow, who'll want to pull your tail and poke you...

Tuesday 25 December

Merry Christmas! Here we are about to tuck in to Jon's braised pork which had been in the making since Saturday. It was delicious!

Wednesday 26 December

Jessica arrived yesterday with a new face painting kit. When everyone had had their face painted, she started on Grandad's bald patch...

Thursday 27 December

We picked up Daisy on the way to Nanna & Grandpa's today, then opened presents this afternoon. Jon and I got her a scooter which she enjoyed pushing round the not-very-big conservatory, but her favourite present was a set of water flutes that you play with in the bath - the more water you put in them, the higher the note they play. Will get a photo soon.

Friday 28 December

Auntie Katherine gave Daisy these slipper socks which, if a bit big, were a hit!