Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 51

Saturday 17 December

We went with Jon's family to see the pantomime in Ipswich today, which was excellent. There were 10 performers and they did EVERYTHING - when they weren't speaking or singing they were playing all the instruments, including drums, keyboards, saxophones, guitars, recorders, trumpets, plus all the sound effects to go along with the dialogue. Very funny, very professional, a great evening.

Sunday 18 December

This year's Christmas card. This was the best photo out of approximately 250, over three sessions... I had loads where she was smiling and looking away from me, and loads where she was looking straight at me but not smiling. I kept thinking I could get a better shot but in the end I went for this one, which was taken in the first session we did :).

Monday 19 December

This picture and the next two are not authentic (there's a surprise - I wonder how many of my 'Year in Pictures' photos were actually taken on the day I've posted them to??) as Daisy was with Rob until Wednesday and I started having a second wave of being poorly so I can't even post pictures of what I did in Daisy's absence. Unless you want to see a photo of my view of the TV from the sofa. Instead, here are a couple of other photos I took during the reindeer shoots...

Tuesday 20 December

This was after the first reindeer session. She didn't seem inclined to move once I'd got her dressed so I took the opportunity to get a few more shots.

Wednesday 21 December

This was probably my second choice photo after the one I used for the Christmas card. She's smiling AND looking at the camera, but in the end I opted for a full body shot of her, as opposed to having half of her behind an advent calendar.

Thursday 22 December

Someone forgot to brush her hair again last night ;).

Friday 23 December

Daisy loves these ear muffs - but she won't wear them. She happily wanders round with them 'on' her head but as soon as I try and put them over her ears she starts crying... :).

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 50

We didn't do very well for photos this week as Daisy was away most of the week and we were both poorly. I did, however, find some photos on my little camera from a few weeks ago that I forgot I'd taken...

Saturday 10 December

'Hmm, I wonder if what's in here is for me?'

Sunday 11 December

Mum made this Christmas decoration out of old milk bottle tops and I put the buttons on. Except a cheap, recycled-material Christmas decoration turned out to be relatively expensive as I didn't have enough green buttons and had to buy a load more...

Monday 12 December

This picture was taken about a month ago when Daisy and I went to visit Jon on his residential course in Henley-on-Thames.

Tuesday 13 December

We get Christmas cards from Deputy Prime Ministers, don't you know.

Wednesday 14 December

Another photo from a few weeks ago, this time in Felixstowe when we stayed with Jon's Mum for the week while we had no bathroom.

Thursday 15 December

One of the many (hundreds of) photos I took for this year's Christmas card...

Friday 16 December

Our postman loves Strictly Come Dancing, and we chat about it every week, particularly on a Monday after the show's happened on a Saturday. I was out today when the post was delivered, but check out this envelope!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 49

Saturday 3 December

The bathroom is finally taking shape! The builder has now finished, and we just need to paint the woodwork and paper the wall above the tiles. I have a feeling this will probably still need doing the next time Dad comes to visit in January... :).

Sunday 4 December

I bought this snow suit for Daisy a little while ago, and whilst it's the 'right' size (up to 21lbs), it's a little small, so I'll get her a bigger one soon. Still looks cute though.

Monday 5 December

You'll notice a theme running through the pictures for the rest of the week - these gorgeous little shoes that Bieke sent from Belgium when Daisy was born. They're called 'playshoes' and are perfect for keeping her feet warm while we're in the house now the weather's got colder. I love them!

Tuesday 6 December

We went to the weigh clinic today and - wait for it - she weighs 20lbs 1oz! So I spent her nap time working out how to fit the forward-facing car seat. We didn't actually need to drive anywhere after that today, though, so here she is just hanging out.

Wednesday 7 December

Daisy woke up at 4am this morning, and when she didn't go back to sleep I got her up and gave her a drink. I asked Jon if he'd brushed her hair last night before bed, and, unsurprisingly given the state of it in this picture, he said no. This was taken at around 9am, after she'd gone back to bed and slept on it for another 4 hours...

Thursday 8 December


Friday 9 December

So the reason for Daisy waking up in the night the other day became apparent last night - she's got a sickness bug. She woke up at 8pm last night and threw up, then had an unsettled night after that. Today she was generally lethargic and under the weather all day, so she spent much of the day looking like this... I noticed this afternoon that she's also had another tooth come through since yesterday, so it's all contributed to her feeling pretty poorly. Get well soon, baby!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 48

Saturday 26 November

We arrived back home today to a bathroom that's still most definitely a work in progress. The toilet works, but it will be a few days before we get a shower or bath back. Nice tiles, though, huh?

Sunday 27 November

Daisy's bath for the next few days. I have a feeling she won't be having a bath every day like she normally does...

Monday 28 November

Surveying the damage. She had bolognese in her ears and everywhere...

Tuesday 29 November

Let me out!

Wednesday 30 November

I love this outfit!

Thursday 1 December

Trying out the new car seat - she doesn't weigh enough to use it yet, but it won't be long. I hope.

Friday 2 December

I LOVE this cardigan that Mum knitted for Daisy. I think she made it to a fairly small size - maybe 3-6 months - but by her own admission her knitting is a little slack, and at 15 months, it's a perfect fit!