Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 42

Saturday 15 October

Jon and I had a trip to Ipswich after dropping Daisy off. Good to see Jon's getting his 6-month-old nephew Finn started off on the right foot...

Sunday 16 October

Apparently playing 'pretend to be asleep' on the sofa is a lot of fun at nearly 14 months :).

Monday 17 October

I can't remember what she was looking at, but she was mesmerised enough for me to take a dozen pictures and choose this one as the best.

Tuesday 18 October

Daisy spent much of today getting into and out of her booster seat. Whatever makes her happy :).

Wednesday 19 October

"I'm deliberately not looking at you. I know you've still got the camera…"

Thursday 20 October

Daisy's all smiles in the morning as long as she has her milk.

Friday 21 October

Daisy brought this whizzy thing back with her when Daddy took her to In The Night Garden Live a few weeks ago. She loves it!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Fourteen Months

Time really is flying now. Daisy's been working hard on her walking; she will happily now push her walker around our lounge (although the lounge is so small that it takes longer to turn the walker round and send her back in the other direction than it does for her to walk from one side of the room to the other), and on Saturday she took her first steps unaided. She didn't do any walking on her own at all yesterday - didn't feel like it - but she has done some today so we'll keep working on it.

Daisy's vocabulary has grown too - she has added mouse, house, doggie, duck, fish, baby, bath, teeth, socks, shoes and all gone to words she can say this month, and she can now recognise the names and make the noises of a camel, giraffe, frog, rabbit, duck, fish, mouse, cat, dog, elephant and horse, to add to the lion, cow, chicken, sheep, snake and monkey last month. Here's a video, although apparently she could have tried harder for the camera :).

She's started to get quite vocal when she doesn't want to do something, and she has learned to scream, so I'm learning how not to react to it. It's not easy!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 41

Saturday 8 October

We went into Cambridge today, and saw these on special offer in Marks & Spencer. I'd like to think that they were on offer purely because they've got a fairly serious spelling mistake on the box and M&S were so mortified that they just want rid of them as soon as possible, but that's probably not the reason...

Sunday 9 October

Mum bought this rocking cow for Daisy in the January sale. It's age 12 months and up, so we got it out after her birthday. She's pretty scared of it - she's never liked being put on anything like that - so we're just slowly working up to putting her on it. So far she knows it's a cow, knows it says moo, and knows it moves when she touches it. And that's fine. She'll even kiss it to let it know she likes it. But she won't get on it just yet. Give it time.

Monday 10 October

Daisy had a fairly horrendous night, culminating in both of us falling asleep in the chair in her room at about 05:45. I took her to the doctor this morning and was told she has a viral infection, so we got some antibiotics to bring home. She didn't feel up to having her picture taken, but Jen took this lovely shot while we were taking the scenic route into town this morning along the river.

Tuesday 11 October

Daisy walked with the walker for the first time on Saturday! Literally as soon as she'd taken two steps, I made everyone stop while I got the video camera, so I at least have her third step and onwards on video. Here she is today showing how she's now a pro.

Wednesday 12 October

Still feeling rough today, but I managed to get this 'who, me?' shot.

Thursday 13 October

Camera shy...

Friday 14 October

Daisy fell asleep with her foot on the 'on' button of her musical entertainment thingy in the car. So we got to listen to it the whole journey. The towel round her neck is not because I want her to be a boxer - it's so that when she falls asleep her neck is supported and she doesn't wake up with a crick, as has happened on many occasions...

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 40

Saturday 1 October

We're experiencing an Indian Summer at the moment (although it's not projected to last more than a few more days), and the temperature today was 28 degrees (82F for you Yanks), which is at least 10 degrees warmer than the average for this time of year. Daisy made the most of it by playing outside in the only clothes she needed. Here she is squishing Jon's face.

Sunday 2 October

We went up to Manchester this afternoon for a couple of days - Jon's work has sent him to the Conservative Party Conference so Daisy and I came along too. Daisy's really into her animals now, and she loves reading this book that Nanna and Grandpa bought her.

Monday 3 October

Jon was busy with work all day, so Daisy and I visited our friends in Manchester - Nikki, Evie, Oliver, Clare and Matilda in the morning, and Catherine and James in the afternoon. Here are James and Daisy taking a break from checking each other out to look at the camera.

Tuesday 4 October

We set off from Manchester later than planned and I hadn't brought any lunch for Daisy, so when we had to make a stop for a 'comfort break' (apparently that's what they call a loo break these days) she stocked up on breadsticks until we got home.

Wednesday 5 October

Lately Daisy has been spending a lot of time lying on the floor. I don't think it's tiredness, because she doesn't show any other signs of being tired, but every so often she just stops what she's doing and has a little rest for a few seconds...

Thursday 6 October

Pasta bolognese for tea today :).

Friday 7 October

I was making Daisy's lunch today and I heard the bars of the stair gate (which is between the lounge and dining room) rattling. I thought she must be standing up and holding on to them, as they make the same noise when she does that, but when I went to look she was having another rest. While keeping an eye on the TV, of course :).

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

My Little Conversationalist

Daisy and I just had our first 'proper' conversation. We were standing at the bedroom window looking at a cat across the road, then it disappeared round the corner. The conversation went like this:

D: Mummy?
Me: Yes?
D: Where where at?
Me: The cat's all gone.
D: Oh no...


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 39

Saturday 24 September

Mum got given a load of apples from various people's gardens, including this one, er, three...

Sunday 25 September

Lately Daisy has taken to crawling to the corner of the room by the front door and leaning against this cushion we put there to stop her from playing with the water taps. She looks so funny just relaxing on her 'couch'!

Monday 26 September

Not sure what was so exciting :)...

Tuesday 27 September

I thought we had gotten all the use out of shorts sets that we could this summer, but apparently we're going to have a week of great weather, so this cute little all-in-one has made another appearance.

Wednesday 28 September

It promised to be a beautiful day today - and it was, but first thing this morning it wasn't all that warm so we road-tested the dressing gown that Daisy was given this summer.

Thursday 29 September

Another attempt to get a good shot of cushion relax. I still haven't managed to capture it quite right, but she looks gorgeous nonetheless.

Friday 30 September

This sign at the entrance to an office car park makes me chuckle every time I walk past it, in an I-studied-law-for-a-while geeky kind of way. Trespassers can't ever be prosecuted, because trespass is a civil offence and prosecution is a criminal procedure. Yep, I am that person.